187 results total, viewing 51 - 60
The book of Genesis begins with God deciding to create human beings to rule all the other created things: “Let us make human beings in our image, after our likeness. They shall rule the … more
After weeks of tireless watering, I realized that my many tomato plants had yielded only a few tiny, wizened cherry tomatoes. In fact, my garden as a whole had very little to show for the gallons of … more
In the dead of winter, the full moon of Shevat rises and whispers the promise of Spring. It is called “Rosh Hashanah of the Tree,” because it marks the very beginning of the fruit growing process. Beneath rough lifeless bark, there is a hidden … more
This week’s Torah portion, Vayechi, brings to a close the literary cycle of Genesis. Jacob/Israel, reunited with his son Joseph, bestows his blessings upon his 12 sons, as well as his … more
Our Torah reading for Hol ha-Mo’ed Sukkot records one of Moses’ biggest blunders – the breaking of the first set of tablets in anger. Our text continues with the giving of the second set of tablets and a list detailing God’s … more
“Teach us to count our days rightly, that we may obtain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12   The essence of this verse from Psalms is reflected in countless Jewish blessings and teachings, encouraging movement through life with … more
We have all been told that we have untold possibilities locked inside us. What we must learn is that, to turn potential into reality, we must not let negative thinking get in our way, nor get … more
There is a particularly “Jewish way” of reading the Bible that is notably different from the way that other religious traditions read their sacred texts. Because Judaism sees Torah as being divinely gifted to us, there is an assumption that … more
Recently I was asked, “Why is it that we celebrate Passover and the Seder every year? The monotony and dread of that long, drawn out affair could surely be mitigated if we skipped a couple of years. Why go through the motions year after year?” … more
My high school students and I were having a vigorous conversation about ways that we can help people here in Rhode Island who wake up every day facing hunger, poverty or homelessness. This led us to … more
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