276 results total, viewing 271 - 276
Researchers, while searching our extensive collections for information about relatives or distant ancestors, often ask me supposedly “quick” questions as an aside. A common one is … more
PROVIDENCE – A group of students from Brown RISD Hillel has created an exhibit based on their recent spring break trip to Ethiopia, where they worked  with community members to restore a … more
He was one of the game’s greatest power hitters, and he actually beat a horse in a race. Considered by many to be the first professional baseball player,  he was also the first Jewish … more
Birthright Israel – mention this to anyone who has participated and you’ll instantly hear. “OMG, I loved my trip.” Or, “My so and so went on Birthright and loved … more
So what does it feel like to be appearing on stage at a theater where you have been in the audience since you were a child? For 24-year-old Providence native Hannah Spacone, … more
On March 1, officers of Hadassah Rhode Island for 2016 were installed by Karen Dannin, a member of the National Hadassah Honorary Council. Dannin thanked outgoing officers for their service, and spoke about the newly constructed Sarah Wetsman … more
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