News > Stories,photos
288 results total, viewing 281 - 288
After weeks of rain, the sun finally shone brightly on June 6, for the Jewish Alliance’s 31st Annual Dwares JCC Golf Classic. More than 100 golfers had a terrific outing at this year’s … more
Many people on the verge of retirement are more than ready to chuck their job, but that wasn’t the case for Anita Steiman.   Steiman, 61, who served as education director at … more
Researchers, while searching our extensive collections for information about relatives or distant ancestors, often ask me supposedly “quick” questions as an aside. A common one is … more
PROVIDENCE – A group of students from Brown RISD Hillel has created an exhibit based on their recent spring break trip to Ethiopia, where they worked  with community members to restore a … more
He was one of the game’s greatest power hitters, and he actually beat a horse in a race. Considered by many to be the first professional baseball player,  he was also the first Jewish … more
Birthright Israel – mention this to anyone who has participated and you’ll instantly hear. “OMG, I loved my trip.” Or, “My so and so went on Birthright and loved … more
So what does it feel like to be appearing on stage at a theater where you have been in the audience since you were a child? For 24-year-old Providence native Hannah Spacone, … more
On March 1, officers of Hadassah Rhode Island for 2016 were installed by Karen Dannin, a member of the National Hadassah Honorary Council. Dannin thanked outgoing officers for their service, and spoke about the newly constructed Sarah Wetsman … more
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