News > Stories,photos
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“In Darkness,” nominated for best foreign film for 2012, is based on a true story. Leopold Socha, a sewer worker and petty thief in a Nazi occupied city in Poland, one day encounters a group of Jews trying to escape the liquidation of the … more
For more than ten years, a committee of devoted individuals, led by Herb Stern and, more recently, Jeffrey Savit, president and CEO of the Jewish Alliance, have been working hard to build a very public Holocaust Memorial in Rhode Island. This … more
PROVIDENCE – Remember the old Monty Python sketches that included the tagline, “Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition”? Monty knew the truth: Bad things can sneak up on you, anytime and anywhere. more
PROVIDENCE – Sharsheret, Hebrew for “chain,” and the national Jewish response to breast cancer, will present a program on Sunday, Oct. 6, from 3 – 5 p.m., at Brown RISD Hillel, 80 Brown St., in Providence. more
NEW YORK (JTA) – On her 96th birthday, Betty Rosenberg Perlov became a published children’s author, fulfilling a decades-long pursuit to write a book. The Sept. 1 release of “Rifka Takes a Bow” capped a lifetime of creative endeavors for … more
PAWTUCKET – I noticed in a newspaper article that National Grandparents’ Day was Sept. 8.  Of course, we have holidays for everything; after all, we have to get those greeting cards mailed. more
PROVIDENCE—The book club at EPOCH Assisted Living on the East Side, One Butler Ave., in Providence, will discuss Gunter Grass’ novel “Crabwalk” on Monday, Sept. 16 at 2 p.m. more
(JTA) – The board of directors of the Foundation for Jewish Culture reportedly has voted to close its operations next year. The 53-year-old foundation, a resource and advocacy group for Jewish culture and the arts in the U.S., will announce … more
PROVIDENCE – Two entities, Liberty Physical Health (“Liberty”) and Handel Center (“Handel”), collaborate to bring medical care to their patients (see related story, “Offering pain relief … with injections” at page 34). more
PROVIDENCE – Seventy percent of all Americans will need some form of nursing home, assisted living or home care service in their lifetimes, according to data from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. more
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