Alliance offers new round of microgrants


Thanks to a generous gift from the Bernhardt Foundation, the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island is kicking off the new year with the second cycle of the Community Microgrants Initiative.

The Alliance is excited to build on the success of last year’s cycle, during which eight collaborative projects and three individual projects were supported through these grant opportunities.

In keeping with last year’s format, the Alliance will award individual grants with an expected maximum of $500 to individuals whose proposed projects will strengthen community relationships and expand reach to those who might not have a history of engagement with the Alliance.

The Alliance is also offering collaborative grants with an expected maximum of $5,000 for partnerships between a Jewish agency and one (or more) other agency or organization, with a goal of growing creative collaboration and strengthening bonds with partner agencies, as well as forging new bonds and supporting causes that align with the Alliance’s message.

Applications for individual grants will be considered based on how projects relate to goals that foster Jewish learning, community or giving. The Alliance encourages creativity and will consider ongoing support to build out new concepts and ideas.

Collaborative grants must consist of a partnership between one Jewish agency and one or more agency of any denomination, including non-denominational.

For details or to start your application, visit For more information, email Emma Newbery (

Applications are available here: Collaborative Grant Application link: Individual Grant Application link: