Paul Schweitzer, 95


PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Paul Schweitzer, of Providence, passed away on Aug. 30, 2024.

Born in Modry Kamen, Slovakia, he was the son of Arpad and Gizela Schweitzer (Pataki). When the Nazis rose to power and occupied Slovakia during WWII, the family’s lives were endangered because of their Jewish heritage. They survived the Holocaust by hiding with friends and family. Paul followed in his father’s footsteps and became a physician. He met his first wife, Viera (Brncova), in medical school, and they were married for 46 years. They had one daughter, Jana (Rice).

In 1968, Paul and his family emigrated to the United States. He recertified in his medical training and practiced cardiology at several New York City hospitals and institutions, reaching the rank of full Professor at both Mount Sinai and Albert Einstein Medical Schools. He was a beloved mentor, teacher and colleague. He won many teaching awards over his 60 years in practice, finally retiring at age 85. Some years after the death of his first wife, Viera, he married Magdalena, and they spent 14 years together until her death in May 2024. He was a kind and generous husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather and uncle. He was a loyal friend to many.

He is survived by his daughter, Jana Rice, and her husband, Louis, of Providence; three grandchildren, Paul Rice and his wife, Kim, Ellen Rice and Julia Stacey and her husband, Jack. He is also survived by Magdalena’s children, Katerina and Jana Eisingr. He was the brother of the late Katarina Szabo.

obituary, Paul Schweitzer