PHDS first-graders receive siddurim


Tuesday, Feb. 23 was a special day at Providence Hebrew Day School!  All the first-graders received their siddurim at a beautiful program that was again coordinated by Rabbi Avrhom Jakubowicz.

It was so exciting to welcome parents into the building for a socially distanced, COVID-careful program. The 10 students did a great job saying their parts and singing the songs. After all the students received their siddurim and were photographed with their rebbe, they watched a recorded message from Rabbi Peretz Scheinerman whose fundraising schedule precluded his being here in person.  While the students could not enjoy the usual refreshments that are offered for all attendees, they each received a goody bag with yummy packaged nosh and an Alef Beis gift.

The school would like to offer a special thanks to Rabbi Yehuda Leib Brown and Nadia Benz for their IT support in setting up the Zoom so students in Grades 2-5 and extended family members of the first-graders could join virtually for this special event.

Submitted by Providence Hebrew Day School