The art of Passover cleaning


For me Passover cleaning equates with spring cleaning. Technically, spring is almost here, but nature has its own timetable. This is a wonderful way to be gently inspired to clean out the cupboards, wash the curtains and vacuum the hidden spaces.

Passover cleaning – and spring cleaning – clears  out the old and gets us  ready for the new. This is a time to look at what you have with fresh eyes. You may want to rearrange what you have in a new way.

Sarah Ban Breathnach, bestselling author of “Simple Abundance” and guest on my program, produced a beautiful CD of songs and music titled “Simple Abundance, Music of Comfort and Joy.” The lyrics in the song “Simplify” are alive in my head as I write this column:

“I opened up the door today and looked inside my soul / Not sure of the things I’d find  / So many boxes stored away / For some brave and rainy day / Full of lost and left behinds…/ (Chorus) Simplify this house / Straighten out this mess / Open up the windows / Air out my life / Simplify this house / Wash away my pride / Rearrange my heart / And let the light inside.”

Words for this time of year.

Duby Litvin writes a great article, on,  “Duby’s Top 10 Passover Planning Tips,” which are very useful. Here are some of mine which follow my 5 Ps to Success that are in my book, “Success Your Dream and You.”

Purpose – Have a vision of how you want Passover to look in all ways. This includes your table, your food and the  family and friends you will invite. Know the why of your choices and see them clearly in your mind’s eye.

Plan – Put the vision on paper and write a detailed plan. Use your lists and memos and refer to them often. Ask for help from family or friends. This will reduce stress.

Passion – This one is the driver and gets you through the tedious parts of preparation.

Persistence – You don’t have to push through it. Following your plan persistently but with breaks and good time management. This will not only make it easier but also more enjoyable.

Patience – Be patient with yourself. Follow the steps you outlined in your plan in an orderly fashion without pressure and pushing against the clock. Then  you can watch your Passover planning unfold instead of being so involved and anxious that you miss the process.

And, here, I add a sixth P:

Prayer – We know that makes a difference. When you ask for help, you can include God.

PATRICIA RASKIN hosts “The Patricia Raskin Show” on Saturdays at 3 p.m. on WPRO, 630 AM/99.7 FM and on Mondays at 2 p.m. on Raskin is a board member of Providence’s Temple Emanu-El.