Carla Naumberg to speak at Jewish Renaissance


Carla NaumbergCarla Naumberg

Being a parent today is not easy.  Last winter, I was really looking forward to a learning session with Carla Naumberg, a parenting expert, to help navigate through some of the challenges. Unfortunately, the session was cancelled due to inclement weather. Fortunately, Naumberg has agreed to reschedule her session for An Evening of Jewish Renaissance.

I am sure that every generation believes that theirs has it harder than the one before. I cannot comment on the challenges that my parents or grandparents faced. I can, however, attest to the fact that today, at least for me, it is not easy. To paint the full picture, I am a full-time working mother of two, and I recognize the expectations that come with that, on both a professional and personal level. As a result, I have a hard time ensuring that I am truly present in all that I do, and find myself continually multitasking to be sure that everything gets the attention it needs. Yet, as is usually the case with multitasking, I feel that nothing gets the full attention it needs, including my children. 

Now I could probably also make the case that being a child today isn’t as easy as it was when I was young. Children seem to have a lot more demands put on them these days between numerous extracurricular activities, tougher school standards and testing, and, sadly, heightened security concerns by the adults around them. 

As a parent, how do we navigate our own busy lives, and that of our children, while also raising them with the care and responsiveness they need to become self-sufficient, compassionate adults? How do we make sure we are doing right by our children?

If you, like me, are looking for some guidance or validation, join us on Saturday, Nov. 14, at 7 p.m. as the Jewish Alliance welcomes author Carla Naumberg, Ph.D., to the Dwares JCC, in Providence, for a discussion about her book “Parenting in the Present Moment: How to Stay Focused on What Really Matters.” 

As part of the Jewish Book Council, Naumberg has been touring the country sharing excerpts of her book and practical, simple tips to use in your personal situation to help ensure that you are connecting with your children in meaningful and effective ways.

“Mindful parenting – or whatever words you want to use to describe connected and effective parenting – isn’t about whether or not or even how often we get it right. It’s about noticing when we have strayed, and getting reoriented… ,” Naumberg states. 

Naumberg will speak Nov. 14 as part of An Evening of Jewish Renaissance, brought to you by the Judge Marjorie Yashar and Dr. James Yashar Fund of the Jewish Federation Foundation. Copies of “Parenting in the Present Moment: How to Stay Focused on What Really Matters” will be available for purchase at the event.

MICHELLE CICCHITELLI is chief program officer at the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island.