Interesting facts about plants



• All parts of the tomato and potato plant, except for the potato bulb and the tomato fruit, are poisonous – this includes the leaves, flowers and stems.

• Day lilies grow yellow and orange flowers that are edible. One of its flower has at least as much Vitamin C as does an entire orange – without the acid. And each flower remains only for a day.

• Some plants open their flowers at night. This is because they are pollinated by moths which do not fly in the day.

• Certain kinds of pine trees must have their cones exposed to brushfire before their seeds will be able to germinate (like yucca).

• It is thought that horseradish became popular as a condiment because it does not need refrigeration.

• “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” was first used to advertise the horticulture exhibit at the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis, Mo.

• The sweet orange is now thought to be the single most commonly grown fruit tree in the world.

• Agave is a cactus-like plant that is nicknamed the “Century Plant.” This is because agave produces flowers only one time in its life and it takes between 75-100 years to happen.

• Jewel weed is a plant that grows in the eastern United States. When submerged in water, its leaves take on the appearance of silver – ergo its name.

• One carob tree can easily produce over 1,000 pounds of carob pods.

• Cactus plants breathe twice a day. In the early morning they breathe in. After dark they breathe out. This helps lessen the amount of water that evaporates when their pores are open.

REPRINTED WITH PERMISSION by Agency for Jewish Learning, Pittsburgh, Pa. by Dr. Gabe Goldman, Director of Experiential Education in collaboration with Carolyn Linder, Director of Early Childhood and School Services.