Kollel sponsors community learning program


The Providence Kollel wants to help the community make learning a part of daily life. The new project involves studying the book “Let There Be Rain,” written by Rabbi Zechariah Wallerstein and Rabbi Shimon Finkelman.

The book focuses on gratitude with short daily lessons that can be learned individually, with a friend or with one’s family.  Each lesson should take 5-10 minutes. The project began May 1, but participants are welcome to join at any time. Each lesson can be learned separately.

The book will take six months to finish, and plans are underway for a large siyyum (party to celebrate the completion of learning) at the end.

This learning initiative was established in the merit of Rebbetzin Tichyeh Schochet. It is amazing what a little bit of daily learning can achieve.

Books are available for purchase at $23 each. Contact Rabbi Dovid Schwartz, 475 Elmgrove Ave., Providence, or rds@shaareitefillaprov.org for more information, to purchase books or to be paired with a study partner.

Contact Wendy Joering at wjoering@jewishallianceri.org to RSVP for the program.