Taxi vouchers break the shell of isolation


Most people visit friends or get a haircut without much thought about how they are going to actually get there. When you are unable to drive around town or walk to a bus stop, that simple on-a-whim idea turns into a complicated procedure. Beyond the support of your friends and relatives, a few publicly-funded programs are available, such as RIPTA and LogistiCare; however, these options often are not convenient.

The Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island recently has teamed up with a local taxicab company to provide an innovative solution for those individuals who would otherwise find themselves isolated.

The Jewish Alliance is revving up its engine and will soon launch this new program, currently known as the Taxi Voucher Service. The aim is to increase mobility among individuals who face difficulty breaking out of isolation. The service stemmed from the Living on the Edge Initiative and is also part of as another option for those needing transportation. The Taxi Voucher Service is geared toward financially insecure Jewish seniors 65 years of age and older or individuals with an ADA-recognized disability. The vouchers will be available at a highly subsidized rate, which is funded by the Alliance. The goal is to remove financial barriers among seniors and individuals with disabilities who lack accessible transportation. Soon, that once complicated procedure of arranging a ride will be nearly effortless for the most vulnerable in the community.

For more information on the Taxi Voucher Service please call 401-421-4111, ext. 411.