Worcester art exhibit: ‘The Iconic Jersey’


Red Sox pitcher Chris Sales would probably balk at floppy hats and knickerbockers, even though these were once standard wear for professional baseball players. Baseball uniforms have evolved considerably in the past 170 years, and their look speaks volumes about the fashions and sensibilities of a given era. “The Iconic Jersey,” now on display at the Worcester Art Museum, sheds new light on the aesthetics of baseball.

See jerseys and color schemes through history, along with imaginative new works by Rhode Island designer Amy Page DeBlasio and many others. Even if you’re still a little sore about the PawSox becoming the “WooSox,” this provocative new exhibit is worth the trip. Exhibit continues through Sept. 12. 55 Salisbury Street, Worcester. 508-799-4406, Worcesterart.org.