2014 Voter Information Handbook


Every few years the Jewish High Holy Days coincide with the election process. Like the holidays, we have a few days that allow us just enough time to reflect and consider our options and direction for the next cycle.

A few weeks ago, Rhode Islanders chose their candidate in the primary election to represent their party in the general election. On Nov. 4, Rhode Islanders, like our counterparts across the nation, will vote for candidates and decide on important issues in the general election. This election, like previous elections, will be of historic importance. We will choose who will serve in the Senate and House.  On the state level, we will elect a new governor to lead our state. We will also elect a new lieutenant governor, general treasurer, secretary of state and attorney general.  And, of course the citizens of Providence will be electing a new mayor.

Rhode Islanders will have the opportunity to vote on seven statewide issues as well as local issues in many communities. The Secretary of State’s office has created a “2014 Voter Information Handbook” that provides detailed information about the statewide issues. Access it at http://sos.ri.gov/documents/elections/ElectionCalendar2014.pdf

The Community Relations Council of the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island and The Jewish Voice asked candidates to provide a statement and answer one question: As a leader, how will you use your leadership skills to improve our state and country? The answers will be published in a two-part series with minimal editing. In this issue the response from candidates for the congressional seats are published. Also, listed are the seven issues Rhode Islanders will be asked to decide on Nov. 4. The second part, to be published Oct. 24, will focus on candidates running for statewide office and mayor of Providence.

MARTY COOPER is the Community Relations Director for the Jewish Alliance.