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It’s easy to research the history of Popeye and his playful planet, but I have a private perception of his spinach and his search. Created in 1929 by American Jewish cartoonist Elzie … more
It’s the first week of summer 2024, and we are back safe and sound in our beloved little Rhody with its Jewish headquarters in Newport at the Touro synagogue. Our state promised , of … more
Dietrich compared love to “a summer with a thousand Julys,” and Garbo prayed merely to “Give us our moment!”   Judy Garland pleaded, “Birds fly over the rainbow, … more
It’s the time of year to eat white foods, and maybe also to remember your first sip of the white blessing at your mother’s breast. My wife is a heroic and devoted lactation … more
Sea winds pierce our solitude. That’s how Ralph Waldo Emerson described the month of May.  I see it quite differently. Yes, it’s a moon I would describe to bless Mother’s … more
Poets praise folly, perhaps to protect their art form from harsh assaults. Poets praise folly, perhaps to protect their art form from harsh assaults. I have excerpted a few lyrical … more
Surely I can’t be the first to note the close spelling of “Hamas” and the villainous “Haman,” who is so evil that we use rattles to drown out his very name. But the … more
Trees have spoken to me pretty much all my life: Every day is Tu B’Shevat to me! Yeah, I learned from poems, even Joyce Kilmer’s famous lines, which turned into the lyrics to the … more
Aesop, of the Fables, was taken hostage and enslaved by the Athenian Greeks: Is the central moral of his tales, in any sense, Jewish? Well, the very word , or name, “Aesop” is … more
Of my many sabbatical semesters throughout my six-decade career at the Rhode Island School of Design, my favorite journey was a mere nearby jaunt around Rhode Island, a trip of only a few hours. … more
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