138 results total, viewing 1 - 10
The tragic veteran of World War I, Joyce Kilmer, wrote the lyric and words in his ode to trees, with the phrase, "Only God can make a tree" – the perfect prayer for the holiday "Tu b'Shevat" … more
We spent “Thanksgiving” in the nation’s capital, with a focus on the Museum of the American Indian which opened in 2004, as well as a gathering of cousins. There was a story behind … more
This year our lunisolar calendar places the start of Hanukhah on Christmas Day. As Rabbi Mark Wildes of New York told The Jerusalem Post: “The Jewish calendar carries the spiritual weight, with … more
Remember what Nov. 11 used to be called?  Armistice Day. Since the presidency of Gen. Dwight Eisenhower, it has been renamed Veterans Day - and I miss the former term which was a memorial … more
I follow the lunisolar Jewish calendar in which the rhythm of time is determined by both the sun and the moon. It creates both the dates of our holidays and of the yahrzeits that commemorate the … more
It’s easy to research the history of Popeye and his playful planet, but I have a private perception of his spinach and his search. Created in 1929 by American Jewish cartoonist Elzie … more
It’s the first week of summer 2024, and we are back safe and sound in our beloved little Rhody with its Jewish headquarters in Newport at the Touro synagogue. Our state promised , of … more
Dietrich compared love to “a summer with a thousand Julys,” and Garbo prayed merely to “Give us our moment!”   Judy Garland pleaded, “Birds fly over the rainbow, … more
It’s the time of year to eat white foods, and maybe also to remember your first sip of the white blessing at your mother’s breast. My wife is a heroic and devoted lactation … more
Sea winds pierce our solitude. That’s how Ralph Waldo Emerson described the month of May.  I see it quite differently. Yes, it’s a moon I would describe to bless Mother’s … more
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