Mel Yoken’s excellent and interesting interview with Nancy Cooperstein Charney [April 2021] brought back luminous feelings about on of my favorite people. When I was a senior at Durfee High School, and that was many, many years ago, I had Nancy’s father as my doctor (in Fall River) for a while, and he was the very best. As I read the interview, he was mentioned, and I was reminded of my huge debt of gratitude for Dr. Cooperstein, truly on of those old-fashioned doctors who did everything for his patient, and didn’t worry at all if he was paid or not.
I am now 70, and Dr. Cooperstein’s kindness has left in indelible mark on my mind. Thank you for publishing such a wonderful piece.
Thomas Cooper
Somerset, Mass.
401 Elmgrove Avenue
Providence, RI 02906
(401) 421-4111