An entertaining afternoon at Books on the Beach


Book lovers of all ages enjoyed the program at this year’s Books on the Beach. /Photos | Dana Cohen

MIDDLETOWN – Nothing like a beautiful summer afternoon at the beach in Rhode Island. That’s what about 160 people expected Aug. 12 at Hadassah’s fourth annual Books on the Beach event. And the event delivered. But instead of taking in the sun, sand and waves, they listened to Jon Land, Tova Mirvis and Adam Braver talk about their latest books and their writing process. 

Organizers of the event asked each author for a one-word description of their work. Land chose “thrilling.” Mirvis offered “thoughtful.” And Braver chose “delicate.”

Interesting choices all.

Land writes action-packed thrillers, more than 25 to date. The best-selling author graduated from Brown University and lives in Providence. And he told the audience that they’ll recognize some of the venues mentioned in the latest books in his Caitlin Strong series because they are in Rhode Island. There’s even a scene from WaterFire. 

The two most recent books, “Strong Rain Falling” and the soon-to-be-released “Strong Darkness,” feature female Texas Ranger Caitlin Strong. Writing about strong female heroes and villains is fun, Land said as he walked through the crowd. “You don’t write based on what you know or experience,” he said “You write on what you imagine.”

Mirvis, author of three novels, told the audience that she immediately wanted to revise her one-word description. But, she says, she really is interested in getting inside the people around her – to get to what they are thinking. “Fiction is a way to get inside a person,” she said. 

A Newton, Massachusetts, resident with three children, she told the audience about the 10-year process involved in writing her third novel. She started after moving from New York City to Newton. She missed New York so much that she thought she’d write a short novel about it and get back to writing other books. The result, “Visible City,” is set in New York and introduces a constellation of characters. How did she feel when the novel was published after so many years of living with all the characters?

“Oh my God,” she said, “I’m so glad it’s done.”

As the last author to speak, Adam Braver engaged the audience when he admitted that he took just seconds to come up with his descriptive word. “I really don’t like to write a lot,” he said. Writing is difficult, takes a lot of energy, a lot of mental energy and angst. “I’m always glad to be done with it.”

For him, words are a way to paint or draw a picture. Each word is important when he writes. He says he’s most interested in form.

The Rhode Islander’s most recent book is “Misfit,” about Marilyn Monroe. Why Marilyn? She intrigued him and the rest is in the book.

Books on the Beach is an annual fundraising event for Hadassah. Proceeds support the work of the volunteer woman’s organization. 

FRAN OSTENDORF is editor of The Jewish Voice.