Grants and scholarships awarded to local teens


The Israel Desk at the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island  is pleased to announce that 13 teens have been awarded grants and scholarships for their respective Israel travels this summer and the upcoming gap year, beginning in fall 2017.

The following students received grants and scholarships from the Leonard I. Salmanson Endowment Fund: Nuriya Coke, Raphael Felder, Sadie Gaffin, Chaya Kapilevich, Julia Keizler, Lieba Laufer, Sydney Miller, Penina Satlow,  Hadassa Twersky, Forrest Walter,  Avigdor Weiner,  Rochel Weiner and Yisroel Zalman Weiner.

Rochel Weiner received an award from the Graubart/Irving Scholarship Fund.

Kira Kapilevich and  Hadassa Twersky received awards from the Lillian and Sidney Ross Scholarship Fund.

Penina Satlow was awarded the Rabbi Joel H. Zaiman Scholarship (funded by the Alperin-Hirsch family).

The Israel Committee of the Jewish Alliance was impressed with all of the young traveler’s applications, and wish the teens  a nesiya tova, a good trip!