“Jesus Christ: Superstar or Jewish Anathema”


“Jesus Christ: Superstar or Jewish Anathema” is the topic of the next program in the Adult Education series at Temple Habonim, 165 New Meadow Road in Barrington. On March 12 at 7 p.m., Dr. Stephen Kaplan, a temple member and researcher of Jewish history, will present the Jewish perspectives on the “Jewishness” of Jesus Christ.  As Jewish scholars and spiritual leaders incorporate the secular education of the times, they consider the qualities of Jesus Christ and his Jewish roots. Kaplan will discuss this topic and its special challenges for Jewish continuity in an open and multicultural society.

Kaplan is a past president of Temple Habonim.  For the past 25 years he has researched Jewish history and thought as his avocation.

This program is free and open to the community.  For further information go to www.templehabonim.org or call the temple office at 401-245-6536.

LOIS KEMP is chairman of the adult education committee at Temple Habonim.