PROVIDENCE – Larisa Reider, of Bethany Home, died December 2. She was the wife of Robert Reider of Cranston. Born in Odessa, Ukraine, a daughter of the late David and Maria (Murachver) Kleyman, she lived in Cranston for 21 years before moving to Providence.
She was a physician in the former Soviet Union. In the United States, she was a head nurse at the former Jewish Home for the Aged in Providence for eight years, retiring in 1986. She was a member of Temple Beth-El. She was the mother of Igor Reider and his wife Sylvie of Angers, France and the late Irena Goldgaber and mother-in-law of Sergey Goldgaber of Providence. She was the sister of Yury Kleyman of Pawtucket, grandmother of Faena, Debbie and David and great grandmother of Isabelle. Contributions may be made to Bethany Home, 111 South Angel St., Providence, RI 02906.
401 Elmgrove Avenue
Providence, RI 02906
(401) 421-4111