Out of the mouth of babes



Reflections on the role mothers play in the lives of their children

Marguerite Duras is famous for her quote that mothers are the strangest people their children will ever meet. With Mother’s Day right around the corner, The Jewish Voice thought it would be fun to interview a few of the Alliance  JCC Early Childhood Center preschoolers about their moms.

What is your mother’s name?

Billy: Mommy.

Jacob: My mom’s name is Kate and my dad’s name is Daddy.

What do you like most about your mom?

Nathan: Her phone.

Grady: I love her.

What kind of things do you like to do with your mom?

Serafina: Making cupcakes with my mom.

Jacob: Get ice cream, but she never eats any.

What’s your mom’s favorite thing?

Caroline: Playing with me.

Ryan: Work.

Saoirse: Playing family.

How do you know your mom loves you?

Harrison: Because she does.

Nathan: Because she does everything.

If you could give your mom anything, what would it be?

Grady: A stuffed animal monkey – a baby one and a mommy one.

Serafina: A necklace.

Harrison: A new phone.

Gregory: One of her new games.

Jaxson: A drawing.

Ryan: A present.