Pollen and pets and patrons


I have to admit that I dread May. While everyone else is outside, enjoying the nice weather and the beautiful flowering trees, I hide inside with swollen eyes, a scratchy throat and bulging sinuses. No open windows for me. Letting the outside air in is a no-no.

Spring allergies are my nemesis. This has been going on for years, despite the expert care of allergists in all the places I’ve lived across the country. The symptoms come and go, but they never depart completely.

But, when a family member developed a case of COVID several weeks ago, I said “throw open the windows!” – despite the fact that I knew that would let in a different kind of misery for me.

And, yes, the germs went out the window and the pollen came in. Welcome to my spring.

But May also brings Jewish Rhode Island’s annual Pets issue, so there is a bright spot at this time of year. And readers delivered again, as you can see beginning on page 14. We have a good display of your favorite dogs and cats. You will recognize some from years past, and there are some new ones as well.

As the editor, I get a kick out of seeing your pets change year after year. And I do wonder what has happened to those pets we no longer see in photos.

If you enjoy the Pets issue, along with the other content Jewish Rhode Island brings you in print and online, we hope you’ll consider making a gift to our Patron Campaign, which is going on now.

When you opened the paper, one of our envelopes probably fell onto the floor – unless you were quick enough to catch it! Feel free to use that to send us a gift that shows your support for local Jewish journalism. Or, you can go to JewishRhody.org and click on the “Donate” button at the top of the homepage. That takes you to an online portal where you can make a gift. Your gift goes entirely to Jewish Rhode Island.

Your support will help keep us going and allow us to continue our news coverage of the Rhode Island community and expand into digital areas like video and podcasts.

In these volatile times, local Jewish journalism is so important. We are fortunate to receive a grant from the Jewish Federation Foundation, and we are grateful to the advertisers who have chosen to support our journalism. But we want to be able to do more and cover more with quality journalism. That takes funding.

At a time when all newspapers are struggling, Rhode Island is fortunate to have a dedicated print Jewish newspaper. Thank you for showing your commitment to keeping us going!

Jewish Rhode Island always welcomes your ideas and tips. Reach out to me at editor@jewishallianceri.org or send me a note at Jewish Rhode Island, 401 Elmgrove Ave., Providence, RI 02906.

Fran Ostendorf,