Temple Beth-El was started in 1854, making it the second oldest congregation in R.I. I was surprised that the editorial content in the article about the United Brothers Synagogue wasn’t checked for accuracy. Those of us who have been long time members are proud that this year will mark 160 years for our beloved congregation.
Phyllis G. Goldberg
West Palm Beach, Fla.
Phyllis, you are correct in noting that Temple Beth-El is the second oldest synagogue in R.I., and we apologize for the error. However, according to The Temple Beth-El Website: “The roots of our congregation date to 1849 when a small group who called themselves ‘Sons of Israel’ gathered for daily services in Providence. Though Orthodox in origin, Sons of Israel affiliated in 1877 with the Union of American Hebrew Congregations (later named the Union for Reform Judaism), the national body of Reform Judaism.” We congratulate Temple Beth-El on their 165th anniversary.