Rhode Island mikveh dedication ceremony


The preparation area of the renovated mikveh features bright lighting, marble counters,  and artistic glass sinks.  /E. BresslerThe preparation area of the renovated mikveh features bright lighting, marble counters, and artistic glass sinks. /E. BresslerOn the afternoon of Aug. 24, more than 80 Rhode Island community members and rabbinic dignitaries from Rhode Island and New York assembled in the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island’s Board Room at 401 Elmgrove Ave. in Providence. The event celebrated a Hanukkat ha-Bayit – the dedication of the new Mikveh Nachman v’Raizel.

The opening welcome and remarks were extended by Rabbi Barry Dolinger of Congregation Beth Sholom (CBS) of Providence.

The esteemed Rosh Yeshivah (Dean) of Yeshiva Gedola of Providence, Rabbi Eliezer Gibber, expressed noteworthy words of Torah, as he lauded Rabbi Shmuel Taitelbaum of Providence, the founder of the mikveh project and his tireless work to bring it to fruition. Rabbi Taitelbaum thanked all supporters and attendees for making this project a reality.

Rabbi Yitzchok Zilberstein of New York, is the father and father-in-law of the late Raizel and Nachman Glauber, of blessed memory, for whom the Rhode Island mikveh is now named.  Rabbi Zilberstein spoke eloquently from the heart of the importance of and uniqueness of mikva’ot.

On behalf of Mikvah USA, he spoke of the work of this New York based-organization that supports the establishment and re-building of mikva’ot nationwide. Mikveh Nachman v’Raizel of Rhode Island received a generous endowment from Mikvah USA.

Rabbi Raphie Schochet, director of the Providence Kollel and the Va’ad Ha-Kashrut  of R.I., spoke in appreciation of all donors and contributors, both locally and afar, and of the dedicated work of the members of the Rhode Island community.  A plaque presentation followed. Dr. Steven Schechter, president of the Va’ad Ha-Kashrut of R.I, sent a warm message of congratulations and gratitude.

Ruchama Szendro of Providence was the coordinator of this unique event, which included a lovely refreshment table. She was thanked for all her efforts.

One of the highlights of the afternoon was a mikveh  tour. The mikveh’s entrance is behind the JCC walls. As I toured the mikveh, I saw a beautiful place, fulfilling the promise of serenity and modernity with beautifully appointed rooms.  This is open to the community, and has special relevance for the community’s women. It is more than a “ritualarium,” it is a “Spa for the Soul.”  

A mikveh is of tremendous importance for any Jewish community.  It is the central point for exercising family purity laws, for brides the night before their wedding, for immersion for conversions, and more.  As a ‘body of living water’, mikveh evokes the similarly spelled Hebrew word tikvah which means  “hope.”  

Mikveh Nachman v’Raizel looks forward to providing and strengthening the spiritual connection and Jewish identity and heritage to the Rhode Island community. Donations are gratefully accepted. 

For further information, please call MLARI (Mikveh Ladies Association of Rhode Island) at 40l-621-9109 and go to mikvah.org or mikvahusa.org  

ELLY K. LEYMAN is a freelance writer & program coordinator in Providence. She may be reached at elly207@gmail.com