School and community on the to-do list for PHDS students


Mordechi and Meyer Bielory with Rabbi Scheinerman and Jeffrey Savit. /PHOTO | Jewish AllianceMordechi and Meyer Bielory with Rabbi Scheinerman and Jeffrey Savit. /PHOTO | Jewish AllianceTuesday (Feb. 24) we served as Dean for the Day and over the course of the day we really had lots of fun and learned more about the functioning of the school and community.

We assisted Rabbi Scheinerman in making the weekly picture page, toured the classes, made announcements and even offered some extra recess as the students were all working so hard. We met with Mrs. Schachter and learned all about what bookkeepers do and her many responsibilities. We then traveled to the Jewish Alliance, where we met with Mr. Jeffrey Savit, president and CEO, and he explained the workings of the Alliance to us and of all of the good that they do for the community and how they impact Jewish education in Rhode Island.

We also met with Mrs. Minna Ellison, senior vice president for community planning and programming, We helped prepare the cans that were donated to the food pantry to help fight poverty and then had a yummy lunch; thanks to Mrs. Scheinerman.