Shake N’ Donate Israel


Some Purim revelers shaking pasta


Josh Rosenbaum, a Providence, R.I., native, wanted to make a difference this Purim.

He spent his year between high school and college at Yeshivat Lev HaTorah and is spearheading the Israel branch of an initiative originating in North America to benefit Israel’s needy: Shake N’ Donate Israel.

According to Rosenbaum, “Tradition has it that Jews all over the world shake ‘groggers’ (noisemakers) when Haman’s name is read from the Megillah. This tradition is great, but it could be greater. My goal [was] to have everyone at every gap-year program shake boxes of pasta (or any other boxed food) instead of groggers. Afterwards, all of the boxes [would] be collected and donated to Leket Israel – The National Food Bank. I honestly believe that this [was] an unbelievable opportunity to make a huge difference, and the help and involvement of as many students as possible [was] essential to its success.” Josh recruited ambassadors at more than 30 schools.

Josh was first introduced to Leket Israel when, earlier this year, his yeshiva brought their students to volunteer in the Leket fields by picking vegetables for the needy. As a result of that positive experience, he decided to partner with Leket Israel on this initiative. A Leket Israel driver will collect and distribute the dry goods among Leket’s 180 nonprofit agencies that receive support.