Spring cleaning redux


A couple of years ago, I wrote about spring cleaning at about this time of year.

Actually, when I looked back, the column was mostly about postponing spring cleaning, with a little history thrown in. That caused me to chuckle. I guess my thoughts turn to cleaning at this time of year.

Between Passover and the tradition of spring cleaning, it’s the right time of year for those thoughts. Then I look at my to-do list and everything but the most urgent cleaning gets pushed right down to the bottom of the list. Again.

Two years ago, I suggested that it might turn into a tradition of summer cleaning. Well, I can report that this never happened, either. Oh, the dust and dirt of daily living is cleaned up on a regular basis. But that massive throw-out I promised myself never occurred.

We did move The Voice offices that summer. So some of the clean-up energy was expended on that. Several years of newspapers and books and general paperwork had to be disposed of. And that took time.

Outside of the office, the last thing I wanted to do was go through the same “stuff” at home. So not much happened on the home front. Not even professing my intentions on paper in the newspaper was enough to hold me to it. Pretty soon, my summer break was done and the extra time to devote to cleaning was gone.

My husband got on the bandwagon this year, announcing that he is anxious to move forward on several home projects that involve getting rid of a lot of old stuff in the basement, den, closets and home office. He’s even gotten started on his portion, and has outlined his proposals for some minor remodeling.

So, readers, I’m back with renewed intentions to bring the stacks of paper and general stuff under control. Once again, the nice weather and freshness outdoors have me longing for a similar atmosphere inside. That and the fact that our cherished kitten has decided to help clean up, which has turned the previously tidy piles into horrifying messes. Why she thinks every pile on my desk or on the floor is better when it is knocked down or spread out is beyond me. Or maybe, like my husband, she is just trying to get me started.

We all have our bucket lists of what we want to do and where we want to go. Home cleanup has now officially risen to the top of my list.

So if you see me around, feel free to ask how I’m doing. I promise that, however painful, I’ll give you an honest answer.

Recycling bin, here I come!

editor's column, ostendorf