StandWithUs event attracts community to hear Prof. Lehman-Wilzig


Taking advantage of a narrow break in otherwise snowy weather, some 60 members of the community showed up at the social hall of the Dwares JCC the evening of Feb. 18. Their reason for braving the weather was to hear what Professor Sam Lehman-Wilzig, chairman of the School of Communication at Bar-Ilan University, would have to say about “Why Israel’s Hasbarah has been so bad” and in particular, how American Jews can help in the effort.

Lehman-Wilzig walked the group through Israeli history from pre-state to the present insofar as hasbarah (Hebrew for “explanation” or “diplomatic effort”) is concerned. As he explained, the early culture of the state dismissed the need for hasbarah and, in fact, ignored it. “Deeds over words” was the prevalent belief. In the early days, the government effectively controlled the Israeli press, and it wasn’t until many years later that the realization came that there was an international press that wasn’t subservient to the Israeli Prime Minister’s office. In addition, Israel’s positive international image began to erode in 1973 and has continued to do so, although the government has been slow to understand the change.

Israel has also suffered from misperceptions stemming from international anti-colonial trends. Although Israel itself fought British colonialism to gain independence, over the years Israel took on a colonial flavor, not least due to the fact that every Prime Minister since the founding of the State has been an Ashkenazi, (i.e., white European) Jew, ruling over a multicultural population. Other recent trends in media and politics have only served to accentuate the problem.

But recent years have brought about dramatic change, stemming from a belated recognition of the need to put forth a robust diplomacy. The 2014 Gaza War was a case in point. The IDF put drones in the air at least as much to gather video of Hamas war crimes as for military reasons. Similarly, new media has been embraced, and much of the Gaza video was immediately uploaded to YouTube for public inspection. Polling has become another tool, and it was the result of polling that led Israel to lead its hasbarah regarding Gaza with the phrase “human shields” Lehman-Wilzig posited that the hasbarah in 2014 was successful, as shown by the fact that Israel was able to wage its defensive was for 51 days without being stopped by international outcry.

Structurally, an office of hasbarah has been created; it coordinates the diplomacy of the IDF, the Foreign Ministry and the Prime Minister’s office. This is an unprecedented development. Also, every IDF soldier in officer training is required to pass a course in public communications. Further, IDF officers who formerly shut the press out now have an open-door policy, so they can explain their strategy and tactics. Also, where previously it was difficult to get academic communications training in Israel, today the programs are widespread, and graduates are welcomed into government jobs.

All in all, the speaker concluded that American Jews who want to support Israel’s effort now have an understanding partner in the Israeli government. The talk was followed by a short Q&A session from attendees seeking clarification or comment on related topics.

In summary, said Stefanie Feld of Providence, chair of StandWithUs/RI, “this was an incredibly informative session.”

StandWithUs/RI is part of an international, nonprofit organization that believes  that education is the road to peace. StandWithUs is dedicated to informing the public about Israel and to combating the extremism and anti-Semitism that often distorts the issues. The group believes that knowledge of the facts will correct common prejudices about the Arab-Israeli conflict and will promote discussions and policies that can help promote peace in the region. Through print materials, speakers, programs, conferences, missions to Israel, campaigns, social media and Internet resources, StandWithUs/RI ensures that the story of Israel’s achievements and ongoing challenges is told on campuses and in communities around the world. Based in Los Angeles, StandWithUs has 16 offices across the U.S., Canada,  Israel and in the UK.  Information is available at

HOWARD BROWN is a North Kingstown resident and volunteer organizer of StandWithUs/RI.