Temple Am David makes plans for the future



It’s a time of struggle for many area congregations and Am David, in Warwick, is no exception.

The Am David temple, on Gardiner Street, has been up for sale since January. Several months ago, Am David and its longtime rabbi, Richard Perlman, parted ways. Perlman has started a new congregation, the West Bay Community Jewish Center.

But Congregation Am David leaders want the community to know that worship and programming are continuing. “Temple Am David is open,” declared Beth Veltri, president of the Conservative congregation.

Some people may leave the congregation, says treasurer Michael Frank, as they do every congregation, but that doesn’t change the institution. “This institution is still in existence,” he says. “The building is still here; we still have our membership. We are going to grow from the membership we have.”

“The people who are still here realize they can’t be passive,” said Aaron Weintraub, first vice president. “They want to see it survive.”

Last week, the congregation hired Cantor Jules Becker, of Newton, Massachusetts, to lead its High Holy Day services. Becker was most recently cantor and Torah reader at Or Yisrael, in Newton. He’s also served congregations in Millis, Massachusetts, and Auburn, Maine, and he taught at Providence Hebrew Day School while earning a master’s degree at Brown.

 Now, the congregation’s leadership is trying to get the word out that Cantor Becker has been hired to lead the High Holy Days services. 

The congregation has had monthly activities this summer that have been well attended. Veltri said activities have included a breakfast and a dinner, and a comedy night is set for Aug. 13.

Minyans on Friday nights and Saturday mornings have been no problem. A recent weekend saw Cantor Miriam Silva, of Foxboro, leading services. Visiting clergy will be the congregational model for now, the leaders say.

As for the sale of the building, there have been three or four interested parties, said Veltri, but no offers yet. When asked, Veltri emphasized that the congregation can continue to maintain the building for now. If and when the building is sold, the Board of Directors will determine how much space is needed and explore where the congregation can relocate.

As to the reports that its religious school might merge with another school, that’s not the case, Veltri said. The religious school is enrolling students for the upcoming school year and will meet on Sundays and Tuesdays no matter the number of students.

Veltri said the Am David congregation is a close-knit family, a special group.

“We are moving forward,” Frank added.

Editor’s Note: Night of Laughs will take place Aug. 13 at 7:30 p.m. at the West Warwick Elks Lodge. Tickets are $20 and benefit Congregation Am David. For more information and tickets, contact Paula, 401-378-0719 or Beth, 401-418-1718.

FRAN OSTENDORF is the editor of The Jewish Voice.