The colors of fall


/PHOTO | David Schwartz, consulting arborist, Schwartz Tree Care Inc./PHOTO | David Schwartz, consulting arborist, Schwartz Tree Care Inc.As summer ends and fall begins, the plant world struts its stuff with dazzling displays of colors. The reason for this gorgeous color change lies in the plant’s natural mechanism. During the growing season, plants manufacture their own food through the process of photosynthesis; this manifests as chlorophyll.

As the growing season comes to a close, the chlorophyll dissolves and is put into storage for the plant’s future use. This process unmasks one of nature’s secrets, and with the chlorophyll gone, the underlying colors become visible. This provides us with a majestic show.

At left are two PeeGee Hydrangias, trained into tree form, under the graceful branches of a native red maple (Acer Rubrum).