The Miriam Hospital Women's Association Community Speaker Series Fall 2023

Hair Loss - Causes, Treatment and Prevention with guest speaker Carlos G. Wambier M.D., Ph.D.


Join us in person at The Miriam Hospital's Sopkin Auditorium for our Community Speaker Series Fall 2023 event. Our guest speaker will be Carlos Wambier, MD, PhD.  Dr. Wambier is affiliated with the Warren Alpert Medical School at Brown University as an Associate Professor, Clinician Educator.  A light dinner will be served at 6 p.m. for attendees registered by October 16.  Program will promptly begin at 7 p.m.

To register for this program click here or call or email Vickie Scott at 401-793-2520 or

Valet parking available

Event Date
Monday, October 23, 2023
Event time
7:00 PM
Cost / donation
Vickie Scott,
vickie.scott@Lifespa, 401-793-2520