Tires CATCH a new life


ECC staff gather after painting the tires.ECC staff gather after painting the tires.

The David C. Isenberg Early Childhood Center teachers designed and painted tires June 16 during a staff training. The project was inspired by the JCCA Discover CATCH curriculum: healthy eating, gardening and physical activity, according to Nicole Katzman, director.

The teachers worked as teams to create their designs. There are nine tire planters in all that will have flowers in them when completed. There was even tire created in the style of Jackson Pollock.

“We teach the children about tikun olam, repairing the world, and this project teaches recycling and taking care of plants,” she said.

D’Ambra’s Sunoco, located on Hope Street, donated the used tires, and Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island facilities manager, Dave McShane, and crew assisted in purchasing materials, paints and disposable brushes.

The tire garden will  remain in the front of the school for the children and families to admire.