Your vote counts


Information about candidates for Rhode Island offices

Rhode Islanders have a cadre of candidates to choose from in this year’s primary election, Tuesday, Sept 9. The list includes a who’s who in politics, from secretary of state to governor and mayor of Providence. It also includes a host of newcomers.

The Community Relations Council of the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island has partnered with The Jewish Voice to provide the community with information about candidates in the most hotly contested seats this primary season. In some races, a candidate is running unopposed and therefore was not included. Two candidate declined to participate.

The information found here was submitted by each candidate and has only been edited to conform with style. In several cases, as noted, edits needed to be made for length. 

Our goal is for the community to learn more about the candidates seeking office this year. Candidates for governor, treasurer, secretary of state, House District 4 representative and mayor of Providence were asked to provide a brief biography and statement with a 250 word limit, concerning their candidacy. They were also asked to answer two questions pertaining to the office they are seeking. The responses had a limit of 185 words. Their website is also provided for you to learn more about them. Candidates for lieutenant governor provided only the biography and statement.

As a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization, the Community Relations Council of the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island cannot endorse candidates. We can however endorse issues. This year we endorse the issue of voting. Please take the time on Sept. 9 and Nov. 4 to vote. Vote wisely and vote with information.

To locate your polling place, visit the secretary of state’s website at The Polls will open at 7 a.m. and most close at 8 p.m. To locate your polling place call the local canvasser’s office. Like last year, you will be required to provide proper identification to exercise your right to vote. Acceptable identification includes: Rhode Island driver’s license, U.S. passport, R.I. or U.S. government–issued ID card, ID card for an educational institution in the U.S., U.S. military ID, government-issued medical card or a voter ID card. The secretary of state’s website provides useful information about voting. Of particular interest is the “How to Register and Vote Guide.”

You still have time to register for the general election in November. The registration deadline is Oct. 5.

MARTY COOPER is the Community Relations director for the Jewish Alliance.