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Thursday, February 20

"Understanding the Pandemic of Modern Antisemitism: From Riyadh to Rhode Island," featuring Dr. Andrew Bostom

6:00 PM

25 Pier Market Pl
Narragansett, RI

The Narragansett Republican Town Committee will host a seminar, "Understanding the Pandemic of Modern Antisemitism: From Riyadh to Rhode Island," featuring Dr. Andrew Bostom, a distinguished scholar …

Friday, February 21

Temple Sinai Shabbat Service

6:00 PM

30 Hagen Ave.
Cranston, RI

Join us in the sanctuary for our Shabbat service, which will be followed by an Oneg in the social hall.

Saturday, February 22

Temple Sinai Breakfast and Torah Study

9:30 AM

30 Hagen Ave.
Cranston, RI

We have some of the best breakfast cooks anywhere around. They are very adept at making creamy oatmeal, pancakes, French toast and scrambled eggs. Come see for yourself. And after breakfast, we have …

Temple Sinai AM Shabbat service

11:00 AM

30 Hagen Ave.
Cranston, RI

Join us in the Chapel for our morning service.

Congregation Agudas Achim Board Games and Brews

6:00 PM

901 N. Main Street
Attleboro, MA

Exploring local synagogues? Jewish or Jew-curious? Enjoy a low-key, welcoming community in a social setting at Congregation Agudas Achim's Board Games and Brews night on Feb. 22. Child care is available. RSVP to

Sunday, February 23

Day at the J: February 23, 2025

7:00 AM

401 Elmgrove Avenue
Providence, RI

Join us for another fun-filled Day at the J! This round we will have a Scholastic Book Fair, pool time, exercise classes, a special program for grandparents, a jumpy house, Krav Maga, and an art …

Friday, February 28

Congregation Beth David Kabbalat Shabbat Service

5:30 PM

102 Kingstown Road
Narragansett, RI

Friday evening Kabbalat Shabbat Service

Saturday, March 1

Congregation Beth David Shabbat Morning Service

9:00 AM

102 Kingstown Road
Narragansett, RI

Shabbat Morning Service