279 results total, viewing 241 - 250
“Dancing on a Powder Keg: The Intimate Voice of a Young Mother and Author, Her Letters Composed in the Lengthening Shadow of Hitler’s Third Reich; Her Poems from the Theresienstadt … more
On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Jan. 16, Providence Hebrew Day School students participated in the National Geographic Bee for the first time. This is a national competition, sponsored by the National … more
On Jan. 5, the Double Chai Society started the year off with cocktails and conversation at 1149 Restaurant in East Greenwich. Chaired by Bethany and Rich Sutton, the Double Chai Society is a giving … more
Jews have lived in what is now the Czech Republic for more than 1,000 years, and over that time a rich Jewish culture developed. It was centered in Prague and spread throughout the region. But after … more
“Mekonen: The Journey of an African Jew” is a new mini-documentary that will be screened on Jan. 11, at the Dwares JCC, beginning at 7 p.m. An Ethiopian-Israeli will lead a discussion of … more
Temple Torat Yisrael and yoga instructor Jeannine Margolis welcome all to “Jewish Yoga” classes at the East Greenwich synagogue Tuesday evenings at 6.   Margolis says people … more
The Talmud teaches us to “… sustain the non-Jewish poor with the Jewish poor, visit the non-Jewish sick with the Jewish sick, and bury the non-Jewish dead with the Jewish dead … more
Brown University alum Allie Wollner ’10 returned to campus the week of Nov. 28 to lead students in a series of creative writing workshops centered on a Jewish theme. This was the second … more
It’s time for the annual show in the Gallery at Temple Habonim, featuring Plein Air artists. This show, which opens Jan. 8 and runs through March 2, features works by members of the summer … more
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