4231 results total, viewing 3801 - 3810
What is an Advance Directive? “Advance” refers to a time in the future when your physician has determined you are no longer able to participate actively in your health care decisions.  “Directive” refers to your ability to direct … more
Zimriyah (songfest), an annual choral festival, is a beloved tradition for Jewish Community Day School (JCDS). During rehearsals Ruti Adler, Hebrew Language Consultant (right), encouraged students to showcase their vocal talents. The program was … more
According to the CDC, each year more than 700,000 Americans have a heart attack. Of these, nearly  200,000 occur in people who have already had heart failure. In June 2013, Danny Oberman, an Israeli originally from Australia who made Aliyah in … more
Lila Winograd was my math teacher twenty-four years ago. Observing her coiffed hair, stockings, heels, and lipstick, I thought she was highly elegant. Back then, I was a new immigrant and wore the same light blue tracksuit, with a pink stripe across … more
Short track speed skater Vladislav Bykanov of the Israel Olympic team carries his country’s flag during the opening ceremony of the 2014 Winter Olympics on Feb. 7, 2014 in Sochi, Russia. Short track speed skater Vladislav Bykanov of the … more
So much comes to mind when teaching the next generation about the Holocaust. When do you start the conversation with your children, and how much detail should you give? How do you explain the reasons why the horrific events occurred? Considering … more
The festival of Purim is one of the most beloved Jewish holidays, in part because of the customs surrounding its observance: raucous, noisy behavior; dressing in costume; and drinking to excess... and all this can happen within the confines of a … more
Jake Wallack of Little Compton became a bar mitzvah on January 11, 2014, in a joyous celebration at United Brothers Synagogue (UBS) in Bristol. The occasion was noteworthy for several reasons. First, Jake completed his bar mitzvah training with … more
Betty Adler has been volunteering at the Alliance JCC Early Childhood Center for over a year. Known for her patience and kindness, Betty interacts with all of the children (infants, toddlers and preschoolers), reads to them, plays games, shares … more
Make your own unique Mishloach Manot containers to fulfill one of the four essential customs for the cele-bration of the Purim. An adult workshop will be held in the Alliance Creativity Center on Monday, March 3, 2014, 5 p.m. – 9 p.m. Come for an … more
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