192 results total, viewing 101 - 110
Parsha: Ekev Sometimes, when faced with enormous challenges, we raise our hands to the sky and proclaim: “It’s impossible!” Sometimes, when faced with seemingly unbeatable odds, … more
If you live in Rhode Island, you’ve probably been to Allie’s Donuts, a legendary stop on the way to Narragansett. I’m sorry to report that they fry their famous donuts in animal fat … more
In just a few months, Temple Beth-El will welcome the High Holy Days with a brand new machzor (High HolyDay prayer book).  This is the first machzor since “Gates of Repentance,” … more
The Torah portion just before Shavuot is named Bamidbar , which translates to “In the Wilderness.”  Our rabbis have long been fascinated that the Torah was given to Israel … more
Lag B’Omer – the Hebrew letters lamed and gimel represent the numerical equivalent of 33, and so Lag B’Omer is a shorthand way of referring to the 33rd day of the 50-day count … more
That may sound like a sound-bite from Planned Parenthood or the Children’s Defense Fund, but I read those words in the writings of the Belzer Rebbe. The … more
We have all been told that we have untold possibilities locked inside us. What we must learn is that, to turn potential into reality, we must not let negative thinking get in our way, nor get … more
This week’s Torah portion is Ki Tisa , meaning, “When you count.” At this point in the weekly Torah narrative in the Book of Exodus, the Israelites have … more
We are used to seeing angels in Christian art and hearing about them in Christian spirituality, so we may think they are a Christian idea. Since Judaism holds firmly to a single, incorporeal … more
Recently we finished the Book of Genesis in our cycle of weekly Torah portions and began studying the Book of Exodus.   The Book of Genesis told us stories of our patriarchs and … more
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