190 results total, viewing 141 - 150
There is a particularly “Jewish way” of reading the Bible that is notably different from the way that other religious traditions read their sacred texts. Because Judaism sees Torah as being divinely gifted to us, there is an assumption that … more
NEW YORK (JTA) — You might not know it, but Shemini Atzeret is the pinnacle of the High Holy Days season. Not Rosh Hashanah, when our fates for the year are traditionally written, nor Yom Kippur, when they are sealed. Shemini … more
This week has begun a new year for us, we are now observing Aseret Yemei Teshuvah – the 10 days of Teshuvah – and the Torah teaches us to remember the lesson of life. God commands us to “choose life.” (Deuteronomy 30:19) … more
LOS ANGELES (JTA) – On Yom Kippur, as we focus on our personal faults, how do we acknowledge those shortcomings that are more communal? In synagogue, reciting line by line the Al Chet prayer, seeking atonement for the areas of our … more
TESHUVAH – this is the word of the season. Usually, this popular Hebrew word is translated as “repentance.” In fact, the days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are popularly referred to as the aseret y’mei teshuvah, the 10 days … more
This week’s portion is called Shoftim, from the first two words of the Parashah, Shoftim VeShotrim meaning “Judges and Officers.” In the narrative, Moses is reminding the Children of Israel to appoint judges and officers, … more
As summer is winding down and we begin to take a heshbon ha-nefesh, an accounting of our souls, in preparation for the approaching High Holy Days, I think that most of us are able to get in touch with a piece of ourselves that feels  … more
Judaism is full of blessings. Traditionally, Jews say blessings before we eat (a different blessing for each category of food). We say blessings after we eat. There is a special blessing to say when one smells a flower. There is a … more
On hot-button issues like same-sex marriage, Americans are used to hearing religious and political leaders make public pronunciations that their position is the one that is endorsed by God. These self-appointed spokesmen and spokeswomen for God are … more
LOS ANGELES (JTA) — On Shavuot, we are reminded that the Torah is a tree of life to which we are to hold fast. But what happens when that hold slips from your grasp? It’s a question I found myself asking six weeks before Shavuot, … more
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