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We met for coffee to discuss her book, its past and its future.  She handed me an advance copy of “Eavesdropping in Oberammergau”: a black and white cover photograph of a cliff and … more
The young newlywed soldiers from the StandWithUs Israeli Soldiers Tour (see page 3) appeared at Laurelmead Cooperative, in Providence, in April and were warmly received by the mostly elderly … more
Marguerite Dorian Taussig came to our town, taught a class in botany, composed and contributed a fine and witty essay about how the names of perfumes change to reflect the mood of the times, and … more
Harry Ezratty’s helpful and useful study of Caribbean Jewish history, in “The Jews in the New World” trilogy, claims there isn’t much of a Sephardic presence in Puerto Rico:  Spanish rule and the Inquisition discouraged all but a few … more
I like to fight back against the health-food and exercise addicts.  “My father,” I claim, “prescribed salt – a pile, a pillar, of it  against infection, a cigarette as a cure for a cold, and a shot of Four Roses as a pick-me-up … more
I’m not a rabbi, but I AM a “minister.” She sent me a legal document that declares I can perform a proper marriage ceremony – my alumna, who met a boy in Rome and brought him to her nice little cul-de-sac in Brooklyn. (The home purchased … more
It’s such a big book, how can you “teach” it in a single semester?  My art students at the Rhode Island School of Design put most of their talents and efforts into the studio world, not the classroom realm of ideas.  It’s hard … more
The timing was perfect: daylight saving time ended, giving us back a lost hour.  I went to Columbus, Ohio, to visit the homestead of my favorite American humorist, James Thurber.   My freshman roommate at Yale had handed me … more
As a teacher of film history, I show “classic” movies of yore and compare them to recent fare, adding commentary about their contexts. Here is such a comparison between then and now on-screen. Sabu, the Indian stable boy who was the … more
My father was born in London – in Whitechapel, the Jewish quarter. He was a first-born – a son! – so I have a fine framed oval portrait of him, dressed rather royally as a toddler, standing proudly and with poise for the … more
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