I objected to PM Netanyahu’s speech to Congress and supported the 60 lawmakers, including Senator Whitehouse, who boycotted the talk to express their support for their own president over a foreign leader. House Speaker John Boehner invited …
Letters to the editor
In his latest “Shabbat Shalom” column, Jeffrey Savit, president and CEO of the Jewish Allinace, gave an enthusiastic report on the recent AIPAC convention that he attended in Washington. The column is worth reading for two reasons. …
Letters to the editor
Thank you for the wonderful uplifting expose on the benefits of a Jewish summer camp experience. All of the vignettes from the parents, the counselors and the campers were very positive and encouraging. Camp can be a great …
Letters to the editor
It is with deep regret I read of Dr. Aronson’s passing. I certainly admired his articles here, but our paths crossed in many ways. We came from the same neighborhood in Brooklyn and many times when he wrote about his school days I would email him …
Letters to the editor
Stanley Aronson’s demise grieves me terribly. He was one of those rare individuals who made a truly great difference in this world, and in my world. He was a very good friend; we communicated frequently by email.
In fact, he sent me every one …
Letters to the editor
Upon a world marred by Islamic turmoil, terror, and violence, a gift of inestimable value has been bestowed. On Dec. 28, 2014, in a speech directed at Islamic religious scholars and clerics, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi said, “It is …
Letters to the editor
Dani Stieglitz’s “Letter Home” misstates the EU position on Hamas. The EU court held that there were technical errors when Hamas was classified as a terrorist organization. On these procedural grounds the court held that Hamas’ …
Letters to the editor
When the Christians and other minorities in Iraq were slaughtered, tortured, raped and sold into slavery, where were the public voices of the leadership of our Jewish community?
When the rabbis at prayer in Israel were slaughtered, where were …
Letters to the editor
I found Toby Rossner’s article on Rita Schwerner interesting. I was friends with her sister when we were teenagers which was in the mid 50s.
I really didn’t know Rita very well. She was a couple of years younger than her sister. By the early …
Letters to the editor
Dear Members and good friends and the Jewish community,
The synagogue is updating yahrzeit notices. This is a complimentary service of the Congregation Sons of Jacob. If you would like to be notified by post card one week before the …
Letters to the editor