142 results total, viewing 51 - 60
Rabbi Benjamin Blech, author of the article “Miracles, Human and Divine,” at, writes, “It is very instructive that the Hebrew word for miracle, nes, is at the root of the … more
The following excerpt is from my self-published book, “Pathfinding: Seven Principles for Positive Living.”  “One of my most memorable moments as a child, was listening to my … more
I was inspired by the article “7 Biblical Secrets to Business Success” at Bob Diener, the author of the article, as well as the book “Biblical Secrets to Business … more
This has been quite a year for all of us. It has been a year of transition and change, as well as  several national and global crises. The coronavirus, of course, is the biggest problem, but … more
We all hear and we all listen , but there is a big difference between the two in quality and quantity.  When we hear, we hear words. When we are not paying attention, we hear sound. If we … more
Nurturing and honoring ourselves can be especially challenging during this time of COVID-19. To help cope with the current roller-coaster ride of the pandemic, the economy, race issues, politics … more
Elissa Felder is the founder of Core Connects RI, a new organization whose goal is to support, educate and inspire Jewish women. Felder of Providence, gave details about the group and its mission in … more
We live in a society that actually promotes loneliness and isolation. That seems like an oxymoron because we are all so busy going places and getting involved in activities – but that does not … more
Passover, which commemorates freedom and honors the Jews who escaped from slavery in Egypt, is one of the most important Jewish holidays. It is celebrated by Jews worldwide – but those … more
I did some research on the benefits of gardening, and it turns out that there are many. Gardening can improve your mood by increasing levels of serotonin and dopamine, hormones that make us … more
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