236 results total, viewing 191 - 200
CELEBRATING 56 YEARS – Art and Shellie Rubin, formerly of Cranston, now living in Greenacres, Fla., celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary aboard the Celebrity Equinox. They visited Grand Cayman; Cartagena, Columbia; Colon, Panama; Puerto … more
WINNER – Phyllis B. Solod was crowned Queen of KOPS (Keeping Off Pounds Sensibly) on April 12. She will represent Rhode Island in Milwaukee in July. more
MILESTONE BIRTHDAY: Harriet Landesberg, a resident of Tamarisk in Warwick, celebrated her 102nd birthday April 5. She is a Rhode Island native, has three grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Family from Maryland, Massachusetts and Georgia … more
ENGAGEMENT – Debbie and Stan Roberts of Warwick are happy to announce the engagement of their son Dave Roberts to Dr. Molly Bremen. He is the grandson of Mrs. Leona Spilka of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and the late Dr. Norman M. Kahn; the late … more
BIRTH – Alexandria Lynn Lopes was born on Feb. 4. She was welcomed home by her big sisters,  3 year-old Ava and 16 year-old Victoria and Mom and Dad Kelly and Farron Lopes. Mom, Kelly Lopes, is employed at the Jewish Alliance of Rhode Island’s … more
BIRTH – Deborah Levine and Christopher Timmerman of Providence announce the birth of their son, Samuel Nathan Timmerman, who joined big brother Ezra on February 24. Grandparents are Max Levine and Hilary Spatz and the late Sandra Beck Levine, all … more
WEDDING – Rachael Amanda Bloom, daughter of Richard and Linda Bloom of East Greenwich, R.I. and North Woodstock, N.H. married Samuel James Nicastro on September 21, 2013 at Lake of Isles in North Stonington, Conn. After their honeymoon in Nigril, … more
RECOGNITION – Samuel Ackerman, of Cumberland, is one of two Rhode Island students who have been selected as delegates to the 52nd annual United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP) held this month in Washington, D.C. Each year this competitive … more
FOUR GENERATIONS – Monika Curnett (right) of Cranston with her son Ross Curnett, left, and her mother Jolanthe Szynkarski, center, holding great grandson Chase Livingston Curnett who was born on January 7. more
Birth –  Eleanor Ivy Schrag was born to David and Kristina Schrag of Providence on June 3, 2013.  Eleanor is the granddaughter of Philip G. Schrag and Lisa Lerman of Bethesda, MD; the late Emily S. Fenichel and Bob Fenichel of West Vancouver, … more
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