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By Daniel Stieglitz When parents send children to school, they provide them with the resources they need: pens, pencils, notebooks, a backpack and numerous other things that are part of the … more
When I turned 10 years old, I remember thinking how cool it was to have a double-digit age. That first year of double-digits made the age of 10 feel special for that reason alone. A decade, … more
A lot has happened in the last few weeks. An anti-Israel UN Security Council vote, a terrorist car ramming in Jerusalem, and a new president for the U.S. and what that means for Israel. Through it … more
July marked the nine-year anniversary of the day I stepped off a plane in Israel and became a citizen of that country. What makes this “ aliyaversary ” ( aliyah anniversary) unique is … more
In the last few months, there have been terrorist attacks in Israel and the rest of the world. One definition of a terrorist attack is a group of politically motivated people targeting civilians to further an agenda. While often not politically … more
We’ve just wrapped up the Jewish holidays in Israel. Basically, my life consisted of working, sleeping and observing Shabbat and the Jewish holidays.  It was a marathon of a holiday season that I’m sad to see end. The holiday mood in … more
When I first moved to Israel, my language skills in Hebrew were not great. I didn’t even know the words for “bank account” when I went to open my first Israeli bank account. I brought along my roommate to act as my translator and to help me … more
The first time I voted in an Israeli election was during my time in the IDF. I had lived in Israel for just over a year, and the political landscape was still a bit of a mystery to me. The army set aside a room on base as a place for all of the … more
In my last article focusing on the attack of the Jerusalem synagogue, I touched on the way world media depicted the attack. How the media often depicts Israel is just part of a much bigger problem. This problem is that people purporting to be … more
I began writing this article a few weeks ago, when Arab terrorists burst into a Jerusalem synagogue and murdered four Jewish men in the middle of morning prayers as well as one non-Jewish police officer, who is being lauded as a hero. And what is … more
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