131 results total, viewing 21 - 30
We Are Read in London – Harlan Rich and family on a recent trip to London in front of the Tower Bridge (left to right) Harlan, Cole, Samantha, Ilan and Bev Rich. more
We are Read in Israel [Photo gallery]
Dianne and Martin Newman at Aldo's ice cream on Emek Refaim in Jerusalem with former Rhode Islander Rabbi Jaime Leiter and his children. more
Mazel Tov! Ida and Tom Brown of Hopatcong, New Jersey (Ida is from Rhode Island) celebrated their 28th anniversary on a 32-day trip to New Zealand and Australia. They say that visiting Sydney and … more
Cindy and Mel Yoken stand in front of the steamboat, The American Queen, during a recent cruise on the Mississippi.   more
  Toby Liebowitz is pictured holding Jewish Rhode Island with students in a three-week evening Hebrew Ulpan class she teaches at the Krakow Jewish Community Center. On July 16, they met at the … more
We are read at Disneyland Paris – Debbie Rich of Warwick celebrated her recent birthday by visiting Paris, France with her niece Tara Buckler. They are pictured at Disneyland. more
We are read in Peru –Mollie Westrick of Lincoln recently studied abroad in Cusco, Peru for the month. more
WE ARE READ IN ISRAEL — Renee Kaminitz (Left) and Sue Mayes (center) – both from Middletown – with Barbara Goldstein, deputy director of Hadassah’s Office in Israel at the … more
WE ARE READ IN JAPAN – Philip M. Weinstein traveled recently to Magome, Japan, and included Jewish Rhode Island on his trip. more
We Are Read in France – Cliff Stern of Pawtucket at Utah Beach in Normandy during a family trip to France. more
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