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Tuesday, February 25

Temple Sinai "Facing Poverty in Good Faith"

7:00 PM

30 Hagen Ave.
Cranston, RI

Is poverty destined to be? Is it an individual problem or a problem for society as a whole? We’ll have a variety of clergy to discuss the issue. You can come in person or watch on Zoom. To register, please go to the Temple Sinai website.

Wednesday, February 26

Delve Deeper presents "Messianic Hope and Longing in Jewish Thought"

7:00 PM
Messianism   is a cornerstone of Jewish thought. By focusing on the divergence with Christianity, the disappointed expectation of the 17th-century messiah Sabbatai Zvi, the rise of Hasidism, …

Friday, February 28

Congregation Beth David Kabbalat Shabbat Service

5:30 PM

102 Kingstown Road
Narragansett, RI

Friday evening Kabbalat Shabbat Service

Saturday, March 1

Congregation Beth David Shabbat Morning Service

9:00 AM

102 Kingstown Road
Narragansett, RI

Shabbat Morning Service

Temple Torat Yisrael Laugh the Night Away III

7:00 PM

1251 Middle Road
East Greenwich, RI

Partnering with Funny4Funds Back by popular demand the comedic stylings of Linda Belt! Doors open at TTY at 6:30 PM Dinner begins at 7:00 PM Show begins at 8:00 PM  (18+ Event) …

Sunday, March 2

Rhode Island Coalition for Israel presents Elliott Abrams: Israel's Security Challenges

2:00 PM
Join us for an engaging conversation with Elliott Abrams regarding Israel's present-day Security Challenges. This event is hosted by the Rhode Island Coalition for Israel (RICI) and co-sponsored by Massachusetts Antisemitism Synagogue Task Force, …

Monday, March 3

RI Torah Network presents "The Story Behind the Story"

8:00 PM

Blodgett Avenue
Pawtucket, RI

The Story Behind the Story A behind the scenes look at the Purim story A pre-Purim series for women based on the Vilna Gaon’s commentary on Megillas Esther Presented by Rabbi Yehoshua Singer …

Tuesday, March 4

Hebrew at Temple Emanu-El! (Winter 2025)

5:00 PM

99 Taft Avenue
Providence, RI

Join us for Hebrew Conversation, and improve your speaking skills. This Winter Semester we will be offering five Hebrew Conversation Classes.  Beginner 1:  An introduction to …

Wednesday, March 5

Delve Deeper presents "Messianic Hope and Longing in Jewish Thought"

7:00 PM
Messianism   is a cornerstone of Jewish thought. By focusing on the divergence with Christianity, the disappointed expectation of the 17th-century messiah Sabbatai Zvi, the rise of Hasidism, …