Calendar of events

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Calendar feed

Thursday, October 17

Teen Nights at Temple Beth-El

6:00 PM
Join other Jewish Teens at Temple Beth-El for dinner, discussion, and community.

Sukkot I

Feast of Tabernacles

Friday, October 18

Kabbalat Shabbat at Temple Beth-El

5:45 PM
Throughout the summer, Temple Beth-El will welcome Shabbat at 5:45. Join us as we celebrate with song, prayer, and friends.

Temple Torat Yisrael Virtual Kabbalat Shabbat & Torah Services

5:45 PM
Friday evening Shabbat service via Zoom only

Temple Sinai Evening Service

6:00 PM
We will meet in the sanctuary.

Sukkot II

Feast of Tabernacles

Saturday, October 19

Temple Beth-El Torah Study

9:00 AM
Join Temple Beth-El for Saturday morning Torah Study, in person only.

Temple Sinai Breakfast and Torah Study

9:30 AM
Breakfast at 9:30 followed by Torah Study at 10:00.

Temple Torat Yisrael Saturday Morning Shabbat Services

9:30 AM
Saturday morning in person with Zoom Shabbat Service

Temple Sinai Morning Service

11:00 AM
We will meet in the chapel.