306 results total, viewing 271 - 280
Thank you so much for the profile!  I am going to put that on my web page because it is such a nice article!  I have written to Irina [Missiuro, Editorial Consultant] to say it is the best piece I have seen on Simplified Lives and I am really … more
In his letter “The assimilationist Voice” in the November 8 edition of the Jewish Voice, Farrel I. Klein bemoans what he perceives the Jewish Voice has become.  His letter accuses the Jewish Voice of becoming a vehicle with which to further … more
Judaism speaks to me in the voice of faith, fear of heaven, Torah study, commandments, marital fidelity, Sabbath observance, kashrut, the holiness of the promised land of Israel, tzedaka and justice. The Jewish Voice speaks to me in the … more
Just wanted to let you know that I was very impressed by the last issue of the Jewish Voice. I learned a great deal from the articles and was inspired by a great deal of the content. Not only was it helpful to me as general member of the community, … more
I was disappointed to learn that the annual General Assembly of the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA), which will meet in Jerusalem next month, will not include any discussion of Israel’s occupation of the West Bank. The JFNA boasts on … more
Thank you for the report from Justin Willner on the experience of Dana Speesler when coming out to her family as a lesbian. Willner and Voice readers will be glad to know that parents faced with such a situation do not have to struggle alone. For … more
As a major subject of a recent featured article in the Jewish Voice, I wish to express my appreciation for its publication, its origin from Home & Hospice of Rhode Island, and the professional and factual accuracy of its reporting by Ms. Lee Kossin, … more
Across many measures of Jewish engagement and behavior, the study shows substantial gaps between Jews by religion and Jews with no religion, between in-married and inter-married Jews, and across the Jewish religious denominations. There’s a … more
I am beyond impressed with your article and I am so proud of you. Heather Lowry Editor’s note: Ms. Lowry is a former camp counselor of Elanah Chassen. You’re making me famous!  Raffi Mark   I am beyond impressed … more
I really enjoyed your most recent column linking Second Amendment right to bear arms with the preservation of that evil institution of slavery.  Well done! Rabbi James B. Rosenberg I really enjoyed your most recent column linking Second … more
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