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This is an open letter to Edward Mehlman, D.D.S., in response to his Aug. 2 letter to the editor, “Writer disagrees with a rabbi’s perspective.” Thank you for taking the time to read my piece (“Every soul is precious”) a few weeks ago. … more
I really enjoyed Arthur Norman’s articles (“Dispersed Hope High School alums help send kids to college” and “An American dreamer” in the Aug. 2 issue of The Jewish Voice) about Hope High School alums. He captures their spirit of giving … more
Editor’s Note: In light of the upcoming 50th anniversary of the Aug. 28, 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom – where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his iconic “I Have a Dream” speech – this letter seemed particularly … more
The new formal name of the newspaper, “The Jewish Voice,” is very appropriate and consistent with the editor’s efforts to provide readers with diverse views. I am sure I will still refer to the paper as “The Voice” and it will take a … more
We want to thank and congratulate Nancy Kirsch on having the courage to write and print “My father’s story” in the June 21 issue.  So many clients we worked with over the last 26 years have pain from past experience. They believe they are … more
I am again reminded of how people in power think they know more than us “little people.” I just received an email from the (Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island’s) Community Relations Council applauding Governor Lincoln Chafee for denying … more
In the June 21 issue, Rabbi Jim Rosenberg starts his column, “The need for theological humanity,” by quoting Anat Hoffman:  “We entered the plaza to the sound of thousands of ultra-Orthodox men screaming insults and throwing garbage.” … more
Michael Fink, as an English teacher, should know a bit more about “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” – William Shakespeare’s play and Felix Mendelssohn’s music by the same name – before writing about them (“Midsummer night’s dreams” in … more
Nancy Kirsch’s column “My father’s story,” in the June 7 issue of The Jewish Voice & Herald moved me to tears. It made me so appreciative, once again, of the fantastic mother and father I had. It’s a wonderful tribute to Nancy that she … more
Nancy’s Kirsch’s poignant and potent column about her father (“My father’s story) in the June 7 issue of The Jewish Voice & Herald is sui generis. It is unique in the sense that she unburdened her heart and soul and did this with brutal … more
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