171 results total, viewing 101 - 110
Remember when this time of year made you all tingly in anticipation? School was ending. Camp was starting. You were another year closer to graduation. A whole summer loomed … more
We love our pets. And many of our readers love their furry friends enough to want to see their photos in the paper. The annual pet section in this issue features all the pet photos that … more
Those pesky envelopes are back. Perhaps one fell out of your newspaper when you opened it to read this column. If you’ve been reading us for a while, you know that the envelope … more
A couple of years ago, I wrote about spring cleaning at about this time of year. Actually, when I looked back, the column was mostly about postponing spring cleaning, with a little history … more
I am a member of the sandwich generation. Most define that to mean someone who is taking care of younger children along with older parents. Mine is not a traditional sandwich arrangement. … more
You gotta love technology. Or do you? Sometimes I don’t. I have to admit that I’m a little intimidated by the wide range of gadgets, gizmos and devices that have become … more
When I took over as editor of The Voice just about three years ago, I found a paper steeped in tradition and well-respected in the community. As I met with people who cared about the … more
As we put together the annual camp issue of the newspaper, it’s snowing outside. I’m not too fond of snow. Rather than building snow forts, sledding or skiing, I obsess about clearing … more
Time to take a break from obsessively watching, listening and reading about the latest news. Step away from the computer. Shut down Facebook and Twitter for a few minutes.  … more
For those of us who are news and history junkies, today marks the zenith of a four-year cycle. I’m talking about Inauguration Day. The influence of my formative years living in the … more
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