171 results total, viewing 121 - 130
Those lazy days of summer really are hazy this year.  Seems like we’ve been suffering with the infamous Triple H – hazy, hot and humid – for days now. And while I’m not … more
I am often asked by readers about my summer plans. After all, The Voice takes a publishing break during July. Usually, I avoid the question. The paper may be “on vacation,” … more
Five years ago, then-editor of The Jewish Voice Nancy Kirsch wrote a moving editor’s column about the Newtown, Connecticut, school shootings. Her column came to mind after … more
I’m a worrier. You name it, I worry about it. Honestly, if there isn’t something to worry about in my life, I will find something. Or, I can find something in yours. I want to say this … more
The last few weeks have featured a number of important commemorations in the Jewish calendar.  Yom ha-Shoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) was followed by Yom ha-Zikaron (Day of Remembrance for the … more
The editor of this small newspaper finds herself in the position of doing many jobs she never dreamed of as a young, inexperienced and naïve journalism school student. When you start out at … more
I am surrounded by smart people who are never at a loss for words. Friends, family members, colleagues are all capable speakers with lots of valuable things to say. I, on the other hand, start … more
We have so much going on in our community! As many of you have noticed, there’s often too much for our small staff to cover. And lately there’s been so many interesting events that you, … more
Next year, I may volunteer to be the poster child for the “Get your flu shot” campaign.  This was supposed to be my long-planned spring-break staycation. I was taking a week … more
I recently celebrated a milestone birthday. Those who know me personally know  which one it is.  For those of you who don’t, you’ll just have to guess as I’m not revealing which milestone I’ve achieved. Suffice it to … more
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